Annual Message

We hope this message finds you well and that you have been thoroughly enjoying the holiday season.

Kasota Stone was established with a very important mission in mind – to enhance lives and enrich communities through the use of natural stone resources. A culture was then built to sustain this mission and embodies the core tenants of passion for excellence, tenacity to deliver, problem-solving, empowered optimism, and F.A.M.I.L.Y.

As we shift gears into 2022, we would like to shed some light on two core tenants that were very important in the past year and what they have meant to us.

F.A.M.I.L.Y. (Forget About Me I Love You) without a doubt, has been the most important tenant for us this year. It has allowed our staff to develop a strong community and build long-lasting relationships. We are proud of the team we work with and truly have enjoyed the time we have spent together over this past year. Our F.A.M.I.L.Y. tenant has instilled a passion for excellence in our work and it shows in our beautiful products that will last for generations to come.

Impacting just about every corner of our world, we all have felt some sort of consequence of the pandemic. It has changed the way we manage, work, socialize, etc. To adapt, we have stuck to our core tenant of empowered optimism and have looked to grow with every opportunity.

Inefficient Supply Chains have been a particular effect of this pandemic - creating long lead times and increased freight prices. At Kasota Stone, we have looked to eliminate this by creating a large raw material resource inventory and unique shipping methods. With this in mind, we have extracted more Limestone and Granite than we ever have before. This means raw product that is ready to ship within a reasonable lead time.

In light of a remote world, our sales team has worked intently to take every opportunity to become more engaged with customers and create long-lasting value-adding relationships. We attended and exhibited multiple trade shows - connecting with and learning from customers and industry professionals. We also took the opportunity to connect and expand our networks by offering Continuing Education classes both virtually and in person. We have thoroughly enjoyed these classes as it has allowed us to form value-added relationships and help industry professionals in mastering their craft.

As we conclude this message we would like to say thank you to our staff, partners, clients, and friends for your continued support and partnership with Kasota Stone. It is our hope that we continue to add value to your lives and those in your communities. We are grateful for the many legacies and relationships built this year, and we cannot wait to get back to it in the new year!

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton


Kasota Stone Staff


Taking our vision to a higher level.


It All Starts With The People.